Pitch Training for Entrepreneurs

Get people interested in your product in less than 90 seconds without getting salesy.

Eliminate Confusion In Your Message

Stop getting people lost with details that aren't relevant

Connect And Build Trust With Customers

Get them to see you as an expert who can help them

Get Them Interested In Learning More

Appeal to their desire so they are hooked and interested


The Don't Understand

Are you struggling with...

  • Getting people interested in your pitch and your business?
  • Figuring out a way that gets people interested in learning more?
  • Getting to the point and end up just talking about unnecessary details?

If yes, it's not your fault. You are just too close to it. That's why I have a clear step by step process to turn things around.

It was because of Juan’s amazing storytelling skills that we could shape and refine our ideas. Together, we successfully worked on our strategy & story and developed an awesome pitch. With this pitchdeck, we managed to secure funding for our company.

dimitrios prodromou
Humanizing Technologies


Pitch Training for Entrepreneurs

Combining purpose, empathy, and storytelling, I help you entrepreneurs turn a confusing message into a persuasive story that gets people interested in their product without getting salesy.

Trusted by entrepreneurs from these organizations and programs


Work With?

Startup Accelerators

Support your startups on their pursuit for funding and clients

Individual Founders

Get expert support on clarifying your message 

Corporate Programs

Help your employees transition into the entrepreneurial world

Juan's knowledge and dedication has proven to be a great asset for our accelerator program. Through his storytelling workshops, he makes sure our startups succeed in their pursuit of funding, customers, and employees to join their team.

katharina binder
Elevate Accelerator


When You Book Juan

  • Lifetime access to the online training area. Discover and apply the framework so that you maximize your ROI with Juan.
  • Worksheet and scripts for fast and easy implementation of the content.
  • Coaching session with Juan. With your pitch improved through the framework, you get expert advice to get it ready-to-go. With its recording for you to build on the feedback!
  • Pitch deck feedback. Make sure your visuals are also aligned with your message to increase your success.
  • And extra bonuses!

Whether looking for funding or customers, my proven and tested framework will help you develop a tailored message that works.


How it Works?


Book Now

Click the button below, select your role and get started


Transform Your Pitch

Apply the frameworks and get expert feedback from Juan


Grow Your Business

Move forward with your new persuasive pitch

Juan's profound knowledge in state-of-the-art pitching and his urge to look for the “Why” behind each idea contributed strongly to the success of the training.

DHL Startup Lab


Chose Your Role

Select this if you are organizing a startup competition or running an accelerator or a corporate intrapreneurship program, or alike and are interested in having me work with your entrepreneurs.

Select this if you are the founder looking to transform your investors or customers pitch and can answer these questions

  • Do you know who your customer is?
  • Are you clear on the problem you solve?
  • Do you have a clear solution?
  • Do you have a budget for our session?

If yes, then go ahead and select the option above, otherwise I can't help you.

Other Experiences

We landed on Bloomberg TV!

Juan showed us how to pitch our idea, how to structure our message, how to influence the audience and get their attention. Last but not least, out of 30 teams, we won the competition thanks to his coaching


For my last Demo Day, I knew I needed help to deliver my pitch. To make a story that everyone could understand. Sometimes you really need an external person with a fresh point of view of your own story. Juan did that and much more. He took the time to understand our business and develop a story that was compelling. I will recommend Juan for private 1:1 session he takes the time to understand your project, to meet the team and goals. He cares about your results and has a special talent for public speaking.

Rhina Portillo

We successfully received the prolongation of our project for another 3 months!!! Thank you so much for your help! We hope to see you and collaborate again as soon as possible.

Oana Nicolescu
Raiffeissen Bank International

Juan performed a perfect “How to Pitch” session within our Innovation Management & Entrepreneurship Lecture. His unique ability to combine serious and valuable content with entertaining and fun presentation motivated and empowered our students to improve their presentation skills significantly. 

FH Campus Wien