This is a FREE masterclass but spaces are limited.

How to implement a StorySelling system that attracts and converts customers by

giving them value at every step of their journey

Training Happens

Thursday 02.02.2023

@ 17:00 CET in Zoom


You missed out!

Selling services is hard. They are intangible and commoditized. They also become expensive to run once you start hiring, making it hard to have proper profit margins. But it doesn't have to be that way.

This Storyselling Masterclass Will Show You...

Discover the 3 secrets to a persuasive StorySelling system

  • Secret #1: Why your message is confusing and pushing away your customers
  • Secret #2: You don't have to beg, chase, or sound "salesy" for customers to want your product.
  • Secret #3: You don't need to add extra hours of work or hire extra sales people.
Storyselling Masterclass 3

What People Say


I attended the "Business Storytelling" Webinar delivered by Juan, which was really insightful and helpful. It was not another "inspirational" wage content, but practical tips and clear message to remember and implement in my business operations. Highly recommend him!
Storyselling Masterclass 4


Juan really managed to convey some useful do's and dont's in storytelling which inspire to take action. The one thing I definitely will remember is not being the hero but the mentor during a sales conversation.

Storyselling Masterclass 5
Lukas Schmid

About Your Trainer

After helping entrepreneurs transform their message into a story, plus having learned the hard way the challenges of selling services through his 6 figure service business, Juan decided to package his learnings into this unique training.

Juan Guerra Storyselling Masterclass