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Looking forward to meeting you soon!

What people say about working with Juan

Juan's profound knowledge in training and state of the art pitches, plus his urge to look for the “Why” behind each idea contributed strongly to the success of the training. Having 3 out 4 teams proceed to the intrapreneurship program speak volumes of his abilities.

DHL Startup Lab

We successfully received the prolongation of our project for another 3 months!!! Thank you so much for your help! We hope to see you and collaborate again as soon as possible.

oana nicolescu
Raiffeisen International Bank

It was because of Juan’s amazing storytelling skills that we could shape and refine our ideas. Together, we successfully worked on our strategy & story and developed an awesome business pitch. With this pitchdeck, we managed to secure funding for our company.

Humanizing Technologies

Juan helped me to prepare my talk and to connect with my audience on a deeper level with lean and authentic storytelling. Through his tips I had always in mind that it is not about me in my story, it is about the audience finding themselves in my story. After my talk several people came to me and told me that they were touched, which was really heart-warming for me and gave me the confidence that my talk was structured in a good way.

Frames Of Life

Sometimes you really need an external person with a fresh point of view of your own story. Juan did that and much more. He took the time to understand our business and develop a story that was compelling. I will recommend Juan for coaching sessions as he takes the time to understand your business and goals.


After 3 batches, Juan's knowledge and dedication has proven to be a great asset for our accelerator program. Through his storytelling workshops, he makes sure our startups succeed in their pursuit of funding, customers, and employees to join their team.

ELEVATE Accelerator

Juan showed us how to pitch our idea, how to structure our message, how to influence the audience and get their attention. Last but not least, out of 30 teams, we won the competition thanks to his coaching


Juan brings a fantastic opportunity for entrepreneurs to unfold any doubts about their message and gain the needed confidence for when communicating to others.

Stoyan Stoyanov