Hi, I'm Juan Guerra!

An entrepreneur based in Vienna, founder of Skills of Life and BSEEN.

I work with startup founders, entrepreneurs, marketers, and sellers, helping them grow their business with a strategic 3-step system

  • Apply Purpose Storyselling
  • Develop Engaging Public Speaking Skills
  • Host A Conversion-Focus Online Event.

Some Organizations I've Worked With...


Empathizing With The World

Ever since he can remember, Juan Guerra has been fascinated by trying to understand why people to say the things they say.

As a teenager, he began reflecting on his social experiences, thinking about what was said, actions, and reactions. With time, after testing his assumptions he started to see patterns allowing him to predict reactions in people.

Once he moved to the USA, he added the cultural element and things were never the same.

Today, he uses his unique skills to help entrepreneurs better understand their customers so that they can deliver their story in an effective way.


From Passion To Making A Living 

Back in 2011, Juan Guerra had to deliver a 5-minute presentation that completely transformed his life. As his mind went blank in front of his audience, he promised himself never to go through that experience again.

So he decided to take every chance he had to speak in public, and while he sucked big time in the beginning, with time, he began to improve and more and more people started inviting him to share his story.

Today, he has spoken in more than 15 countries, in front of more than 10.000 people leading to the creation of his company Skills Of Life.


Storyselling For Entrepreneurs

While "No product-market fit" is cited as one of the top 3 reasons why startups fail, Juan Guerra believes that the problem is not in the product but, in the message.

In order for people to buy they need to be moved emotionally, without a persuasive story, customers will always fail to see value in the product. 

It doesn't matter if you have the best product in the world, if customers can't see its value, that will be the end of it.

Through his workshops, courses, and coaching, Skills of Life helps entrepreneurs tell their story in a persuasive and engaging way so they attract customers to buy from them.


To Achieve Success

A clear strategy to deliver value and grow your business,


Free Elevator Pitch Course

Develop Your Story

Using storytelling, develop an engaging and persuasive message to communicate your business.


Master Your Skills

Develop your presentation skills to ensure your message connects with your customers emotionally.


Share It With The World

Attract your customers with an engaging webinar that makes them see the value of your product.


Professional Virtual Event Production

As he developed his public speaking and storyselling skills, Juan Guerra started to experiment with different technologies.

After discovering Facebook Live in 2016 thanks to a colleague, he knew that the future would lay in the ability to bring unique content to audiences across the world.

Today, his company BSEEN provides the tech support needed for business and agencies to run professional webinar and online event strategies free of the stress that comes from the complex technology.


Struggling To Explain Your Business?

Discover the secret system to developing a persuasive message that grows your business even if you hate sales.