Become the inspiring speaker others aspire to be

New Bootcamp Shows You The Secrets To Mastering The Stage

Growing Your Influence, Making And Impact & Inspiring Others

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Attention: Professionals, Business Owners, Freelancers, Entrepreneurs & Experts

I’ve Uncovered A New System To Creating Engaging Presentations

That Connect You With Your Audience and Inspire Them To Take Action

Hi, I’m Juan Guerra and over the last 6 years I’ve become the secret weapon of many event organizers and professionals wanting to create and deliver unique experiences to their audiences.

And while you may have seen me on the stage, there are a lot of elements coming together beyond the final message that gets delivered.

And to think that this whole thing started because I couldn’t speak in public...

Back in October 2011, I delivered a presentation that completely changed my life.

Or better said, tried to deliver...

There were just 11 people in that room, but the anxiety overcame my body and mind to the point of almost passing out.

Luckily, I had asked a friend to go with me for moral support.

She jumped in, finished the presentation for me, and as I walked out of that room I made the decision that is bringing us together right now in 2020

On that day, I promised myself never to go through that experience again in my life. So from that moment on, every time there was a chance to speak in public, I would take it.

What a painful process...

But guess what? Little by little, my presentations improved and people began to notice. 

Next thing I know, I'm delivering talks, workshops, and hosting conferences in different countries.

Putting me in front of thousands of people, completely changing my life and theirs.

But this wasn’t the reason I fell in love with speaking in public.

At the end of one of my presentations, a girl approached me and began sharing her story. 

She told me that through my talk, she was able to see things differently and realize a solution to a problem she had been dealing with for a while.

And so she wanted to say thank me for sharing.

That was the moment that did it for me.

Right there, I understood the power the stage gives you, allowing you to make an impact in somebody else's life.

So... What Is This Secret System

(And how you can use it to transform your presentations?)

Understanding why people say the things they say has always been fascinating for me, but once the stage became my playground, it all changed.

I began experimenting with the stories I told, and the way I told them, and used the feedback from the audience to improve them as I went along.

So if you are looking to learn:

  • How to simplify your message and avoid getting stuck on details
  • How to capture and keep the interest of your audience
  • How to overcome your fear of the stage
  • How to be able to connect with your audience 
  • How to be able to inspire people regardless of where you

This system will work for you.

I know it because over the last 6 years I've been teaching it through workshops and individual coaching to hundreds of people. 

And now it all comes together in this Bootcamp

Inspiring Speaker Bootcamp, master the stage, tell your story, and spread your idea

A 6-week program based on my unique SEP System.

The SEP System is my unique methodology through which I create and deliver my presentations; as well as, the system I use to coach others.

By combining Storytelling, Empathy, and Purpose, you are able to develop an exciting presentation that is engaging, memorable, and impactful.

Because together they allow you to be:

  • Incredibly Persuasive By Unleashing The Power Of Storytelling
  • Extremely Relevant By Empathizing With Your Audience
  • Amazingly Effective By Aligning Your Message To Your Purpose

And regardless of the culture, country, industry, setting, context, the SEP System guarantees you the results you want.

From Bosnia & Herzegovina to Iran, from technical presentations to startup pitches, from an audience of programers to insurance executives... this system has been used by myself and my students achieving incredible results.

Especially since the majority was like me, terrified of public speaking.

That's Parknshare after winning a competition of 30 startups the first time they ever pitched their business! They ended up in Bloomberg TV Bulgaria!

This is what Peter Ivanov had to say about our session

Juan showed us how to pitch our idea, how to structure our message, how to influence the audience and get their attention. Last but not least, out of 30 teams, we won the competition thanks to his coaching.

Petar Ivanov

Co-Founder Parknshare

What Others Say About My Delivery

I have experienced Juan Guerra as an extremely talented and passionate moderator and workshop facilitator at various events at Talent Garden.

Speaking in front of an audience he is mastering the art of storytelling. With his enthusiasm he is able to really connect with the audience and to fill the room with energy.

Furthermore, he is excellent in training people how to structure their perfect pitch. I can totally recommend Juan and am looking forward to further working together with him.

Mariella Mangold

Digital Innovation Consultant at Talent Garden Innovation School

Juan's strong motivation to help our teams, his profound knowledge in training and state of the art pitches, plus his urge to look for the “Why” behind each idea contributed strongly to the success of the training.

Having 3 out 4 teams proceed to the intrapreneurship program speak volumes of his abilities.


Corporate Startup Manager at DHL Start-up Lab

Juan is an excellent host. His style is entertaining AND highly professional, PLUS his interaction with THE audience IS VERY natural. His dynamic voice JUST catches your attention and holds it throughout the event.


Head of Startups at Pioneers

So What Will You Develop At The Inspiring Speaker Bootcamp?

Master The Ability To Get & Keep Your Audience Curious

Do you feel you get stuck in the details and lose the attention of your audience? Do you struggle to get them interested? We'll cover that.

Learn How To Get People To Open Up To Your Story

Did you know that for your story to work, you need to first shape the mindset of your listener? We'll cover this as well.

Discover How To Adapt Stories To Your Audience

Do you struggle to recognize the different fears and aspirations your audience has to adapt your story? We'll cover that too.

Find The Perfect Balance In Your Delivery Style

Are you wondering when to be funny? When to be professional? When do you push for a sale or a response? We'll definitely cover that.

How Does The Journey Look Like?

6 Weeks, 4-hrs of work per week, divided among 90 mins online group session plus individual working time.


Week 1: Setting The Foundation

Every single presentation you deliver, every single interaction you have with others is connected by a single element. Week 1 is all about setting the base from which you will develop your messages


Week 2: The Power Of Storytelling

In a saturated world full of noise, how do you make sure your message is clearly understood, embraced and acted on? Week 2 is all about how to use stories as the ideal deliver method for your ideas.


Week 3: Unleashing Your Stories

With the foundation in place, it's to figure out what you should actually say, how to say it, when to say it, with what should it be combined? In Week 3 you will learn to create stories and where to find stories you can use. How to put them together.


Week 4: Creating The Space For Empathy

Every person in your audience has different dreams, goals, fears, and aspirations. Every group of people in different countries, industries, age groups have different ways to see the world, different humor, different learning styles. Week 4 is all about learning to understand your audience so you can tailor your message to them.


Week 5: Making Your Delivery Memorable

Let's face it, we have all sat through dreadful and boring presentations wishing to be somewhere else. Week 5 is all about taking your presentation to the next level, making it stand out from the crowd, ensuring people will talk about the experience you provided them after you are no longer in front of them.


Week 6: Achieving Mastery 

Conquering the stage is a never ending process, thanks to the internet, people are changing faster than ever and as a speaker you need to adapt to these changes to stay relevant to your audience. In Week 6, we'll focus on how to master the stage, stay relevant, and continue to make an impact.

How Is The Bootcamp Delivered?

Every Wednesday at 6pm (Vienna Time) you will have a live, group session with Juan delivered through Zoom (online webinar tool).

These sessions are the central knowledge point of the Bootcamp. If you can't join one of them, it's not a problem because they are recorded.

At the end of each live session, you will have an assignment which you must submit by Sunday evenings through our private Slack group (Slack is messaging app).

The Slack group is our main communication channel where we all come together, connect, share, ask questions, give feedback, and grow, together as a group.

What You Get When You Enroll In The Bootcamp

  • Access to all bootcamp sessions
  • Video recordings of all sessions
  • Transcripts of all sessions
  • Audio files of all sessions
  • Downloadable PDF worksheets
  • Access to the private, class Slack Group
  • Lifetime access to content updates
  • Certificate of completion
  • Covered by the Satisfaction Guarantee


plus VAT when applicable


100% Satisfaction Guarantee

You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. If you don't see progress in your communication skills within the first 30 days, just let us know per email and we'll send you your money back and you even get to keep the materials.

What Nobody Tells You About Becoming An Inspiring Speaker

It took me a years to realize this, but once I did, there was no turning back. 

Every time you have the chance to speak in public, you are given an opportunity to move one step closer towards your vision.

That is why, as long you continue to hide from the stage, you will give away your chances to succeed to those around you.

Because it's those who decide to jump in front of others, it's those that get into the ring that will be approached with the offers and opportunities.

While the rest just continues to wonder around believing they don't have what it takes, so all they can do is watch...

JUAN GUERRA  //  Creator

Public speaking transformed my life incredibly, that's why I'm so passionate to helping you master the skills that will make you shine on the stage. 

I'm living proof of their potential, today, I get to make a living hosting events, delivering workshops, and working one-on-one with experts and entrepreneurs.

It's no wonder I believe communication skills can get you on the path to success, that's why I went out my way to create a hands-on, relevant, engaging, and insightful bootcamp.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who should enroll in this program?

Will I learn to overcome my fear of public speaking though this program?

How do I enroll in the Inspiring Speaker Bootcamp?

What kind of payment methods can I use?

How does the 100% Satisfaction Guarantee work?

What is the weekly workload I can expect from the program?

Limited Spaces

Enrollment Closes On Sunday, May 10th, 2020

Since this is a live bootcamp, meaning I will be delivering the sessions live through Zoom, the spots are limited to ensure the quality of the program.

While it's very hard to track all the results that my presentations, workshops and coaching have achieved over the years, the experiences I've shared in this page are real. Unfortunately, there are so many factors involved when delivering presentations that I must let you know that these results are not 100% guaranteed.

Please keep in mind before enrolling, that results vary from person to person, from experience to experience, and while I go out of my way to make the program as relevant as possible, there is a chance that your results may not be satisfactory.

© 2020, Skills of Life e.U.